Trip for Blair & Carly

Well we fly out on 14th January for our Trip. All going well should see SE Asia, China, Hong Kong, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Greece and Italy. Should land in the UK late April or May.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Our Flat in London

Well Carly thought it would be good for you to see our flat in London.

So here are some photos of it :-)

The Rest of the trip

Again it has been a while.

We have now been in London for the good part of 3 weeks. We have moved into a 4 bedroom flat in King's Cross, Isllington with 3 of my mates from back in NZ (Shane, Matt and Aaron a.ka. Pork Chop, Hommes and Scooby).

To get here from Roma we went to; Venice, Florence, Pizza, Pompeii, Naples, Verona, Milan, Zurich (where we stayed with our Swiss friends Grego and Karin), Paris.

Rather than write up everything we did I thought I would load up with photos so you can see for yourself :-)

Sorry I got slack on the writing but when you have been traveling for nearly 4 months it's hard to keep up the photo editing etc......

Well I hope everyone is well and you are all safe and sound.

Lots of Love
Blair & Carly